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What Not To Do

It just seems like another day of “what not to do” for our good friend Thomas Flanagan. And it just gets worse by the day.

Now if we told you to not screw up one of your biggest contracts by not keeping your building in good shape – what would you say? Well, you would keep your building in good shape. 

Today, Thomas Flanagan and his Texas Commerce Bank building got Orange Tagged. And guess who the media is not telling you who is in the building. It is the USDOJ, FBI, ATF, and various other government agencies that are ALL INVESTIGATING THOMAS FLANAGAN! 

Yes, your tenants that are investigating you and your business practices just had their offices Orange Tagged – meaning fix it or we are going to shut you down in seven days. 

What does the slum lord do? Well, he says it is all minor and not to worry. The building is safe, according to the media. 

Once again – you cannot make this up. 

And the city of Beaumont continues to give this guy a break. 

Walker Matter Set

Well, this is the end for Calvin Walker – or is it? Once again the media reports that Walker was arrested again for a document issue presented to the court (s). The Funny thing is that he was released on a PR bond. Personal recognize bond? You know, get your picture made and walk away. A hearing for revocation is set for February 28, 2025, at 9 a.m.

Now we all know in the political business that Stevens most likely will leave Walker out and about as his attorneys are pulling crap again – which they are paid to do. Here, look at these quotes from the hearing as given to us by KFDM:

“It’ll take time to sell the non-exempt assets because it’s real property,” DeGeurin told KFDM. “A lot of what he has is exempt, including his office, home, his tools of the trade. He has put up some property for sale. One reason it hadn’t been done sooner is that he was in bankruptcy court. He couldn’t do anything. His bankruptcy was just dismissed in January. The final letter he got was in early February. He couldn’t do anything before then. We always felt like the amount of restitution was unjustified. The feds took away most of the money he made working for BISD. BISD didn’t want the money back. When you can’t work, and your only income is Social Security, you can only exist day to day.”

Our case in point? Where the hell were the last four years post-judgment? Anyone? TIME?

And this jewel:

In the February 16 hearing, Knauth told Judge Stevens that during Walker’s 180 days in the Jefferson County Correctional Facility, he spent $800 on movies, several hundred dollars on phone calls, and about $8,000 on candy, blankets, and other items.

Ya, that is real – right Calvin. He deposits for his weekends in jail over $9,000 to cover his comfort being for movies. In Jail Movies? What the hell is that? There is a movie theater in the jail? IPAD movies? What? Are we living in a damn dream world? Who the hell is in charge of this county?

And the probation division? What is going on there? We have now heard that the drum has begun to beat that business is not being taken care of. Here is their “VISION” Statement? What the hell?

The vision of the Jefferson County CSCD and its personnel is to contribute to the safety and welfare of the citizens of Jefferson County, Texas, implementing evidence based practices in supervision while guiding and motivating offenders to initiate positive lifestyle changes.

We are not kidding – how about that bullshit! Here is a vision statement – “WE PUT THE WEIGHT OF WHAT THE COURT HAS IMPOSED ON CRIMINALS THAT COME TO US AND IF YOU DO NOT DO WHAT YOU ARE TOLD – YOU GO TO JAIL.” How does that sound?

They are so disorganized they do not have reports (as mandated by law) posted on their website SINCE THE YEAR 2000! What the hell is going on over there?

The director is who you ask? Jerry Johnson is his name – and you damn sure do not see the mainstream media running down there with cameras and mics asking the hard question. Here is the first one – WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS DOING?

Friends, this just shows you how out of control our government is in Jefferson County. Does Adult Probation have problems – yes. We are told they are overwhelmed. The DA’s office tells us they are frustrated with what they call the “Girls Club” which is top-heavy in management and is too busy with keeping their lawyers apprised of violations of the court’s orders. 

Ya, a bunch of finger-pointing. And now we hear that Judge West is furious at learning of the shenanigans of misreporting and non-reporting of violations. 

Maybe we can thank the felon CALVIN WALKER! 

In the end, it is still the same old thing – government mismanagement. Thus (secret) why the Judicial Commission is going to issue a report to the Texas Supreme Court on each district court and county court. They will be focused on overturning rates, caseloads, and how long they all work. We know in Jefferson County that you can blow the buildings up at 2 p.m. on a Friday and pretty much all the judges will be safe as they are nowhere near their offices. 

Another great day in Jefferson County – RIGHT?

Hilliard Has Problems

As we are doing with each candidate for Beaumont City Council, we are picking one name out of a hat for a small background check. And that check is important as in the past we have found some candidates that were not even able to file – yet did under oath.

This first candidate is running (of course) Mike Getz. His name is Joseph Hilliard and he runs a business that does hydro cleaning in the industry.

He has a company named Hydro-Clean Services. His company and himself have had financial problems in the past and the old Gold Crest Electric Company had to sue. The company won a judgment, still on the books today for $7,400. It shows never paid.

Then again a silly lien for $104 in Jefferson County for a past due bill. 

And again he was sued this time by The Lamar Company, LLC, and they won a judgment for $2,300 which again shows never paid.

Moving on to another lawsuit against Hillard from Kent Adams and his legal staff for attorney services. That judgment was for around $5,000 which was never paid. 

What does this show? Instablity. Big-time instability in his finances. 

Now on to the criminal side. This is the State of North Carolina. The charge? Well, the case number is 2501988CR 032691, and it was time served and fines. This was in relation to a bar fight from what we can tell. 

Second, was case number 2501989CR017338, the State of North Carolina v. Joseph Kyle Hilliard. And get this one – it was for again DIP (For those of you in South Newton County – Drunk in Public). This time no fighting.

Third, in Sampson County, The State of North Carolina v. Hilliard, Case Number 8101988CR001177, (wanna guess?), another alcohol violation. Sigh…

And yet again for the fourth charge, being in Cumberland, County, Case 2501988CR0101176, the State of North Carolina v. Hillard. This one again looks like another issue with Alcohol. But who knows?

All of these charges are on different days and the last one looks to be adjudicated – as there are no numbers or codes for charges on it.  

Okay, so we have our first candidate for the year who has had criminal charges and cannot control his checkbook? This is what we have? And he wants to run the books of the city of Beaumont? 

Sigh…we cannot wait to see the other newcomers. And we will in the next weeks. 

For now? Not a good candidate. 

Stevens – ENOUGH

State District Judge John Stevens, as we reported last week, has had enough of the Calvin Walker fiasco. And he has let everyone know after Walker only paid back his conviction in deviance of the court order – $2,400. 

Stevens has made it clear that he is going to put Walker in jail if he does not sell his stuff as fast as he can for restitution. 

The court told Walker that he was prepared to put him in jail for 10 years. 

Here is the hearing that was sent to us:


Yes, Judge John Stevens has had enough. Mr. Walker has over $1,000,000 in assets and pays $91 a month to the citizens for what a jury has ordered him to pay. 

Calvin Walker is a liar. Simple and true. There is nothing more to say. Just simply this – Calvin Walker is a liar and a thief. 

Now to questions – HOW IN THE HELL DID THE PROBATION OFFICE OF JEFFERSON COUNTY TEXAS LET THIS GO ON? That is the question on the table. Why didn’t they communicate with the DA’s office and file the motion to revoke his probation? Anyone? Can anyone tell us? Is the probation office not doing its job? Or is the DA not doing theirs? And you could tell by the look on the judge’s face. Not good. 

There seems to be hell to pay coming up – Walker is going to prison and if he does not, the judge will have hell to pay at election time. If Walker does go to jail the Probation department will have hell to pay (kind of gonna get it either way) and finally, any way you look at it – Walker now goes to the poor house. Right where he should go. 

Hotel No Tell

Okay, this is a great one! And there is something hinky going on in Nederland, Texas, right under the eyes of the city council who this past week was worried about putting a nice street path (at your expense) to a project that the EDC built and there is no access. And no, we are not making this up. It is for real. 

Anyway, the newest HOTEL in Nederland is now open – without the approval of the Fire Department or any person in city leadership. Including the guy who is in charge of all building and building permits in Nederland. 


Here look:

How cool right? You can come to Nederland Texas and get a hotel room for $35 a night!! Not a bad deal – but where is it and what do you get? Let’s go for what do you get first.

Looks pretty okay? But where are we? Oh no…it is the old Mid Jefferson County Hospital. Do what you say. That is now a hotel? So we got online and looked at all of the minutes and then we had the construction and permits searched and guess what? No permits. And no fire permits? 

Wait? The new VRBO $35-a-night hotel in Nederland has not been permitted or legally approved by the City Council. That cannot be true. Can it?

So we went by there and remembered this sign when they wanted to lease office space and announced it to the world – and the GAGA media covered it. Here is the sign tucked away behind the building:

(What a messy sign) Well, we found that sign – and screwed up. 

Anyway, back to the story. So we went around and tried to see the advertising for the new hotel. And sure enough – there is WASN’T. 

Oooh noo, Mr. Bill. So the question is this – what business is in the building? 

It is a sleep center? So we called the number and it did not work? Seems it is closed? But advertising? Tell us NOOOOO!

So we went to the front of the building and looked at what was going on and sure enough here are those shots – no signs – no permits. 

So we asked a nice man smoking a cig at the entrance what this place was. A sleep lab? He told the story that he could stay there while he was in town working on the new Highway 69 plant for $35 a night! Cheapest place in the area (hotels are around $124 a night) and has a place for a hot shower, a bed, and a TV. WITH CABLE!

We then asked about phones and fire alarms. Huh? That was the answer. Never mind we said. 

Here is the bottom line – nobody and we mean nobody in the Nederland City Government seems to know what is going on. No hotel/motel tax is being collected (watch supergirl Ms. Nederland run down to city hall after reading this – Kay DuCuir). Unless they all know and simply ignore it while every hotel in Nederland is getting screwed out of tax dollars? Right? 

Well, we contacted one of the DOJ’s sources who is helping one of them in running for office. “This town is out of control. There are so many good old boy deals running around that nobody knows what money is going to who. It is corruption at its finest and there are two votes on the council mixed with three coming on and we might just be able to fix this.”

Our take? 

There is so much going on right now in Nederland that it will make your head spin. Millions were spent to build offices for small businesses with no way to get to them, now the cost to do so will be around $250,000 (but don’t tell the council they don’t know). 

We will keep you up on this. They have our attention now. Let the fun begin!

Like We Said…

It gets tiring to be right all the time. No, really, it does. Our phones ring off the wall, asking us how we knew. And we say all of the time – friends we listen. We listen and we get leaks. And so goes the Mayor’s race in Beaumont.

We will have much more to say about this later – but let’s do a simple rundown.


Roy “Top Hat” West – Will lose

Randy “Pastor Politics” Feildschau – Will win.

Robin “The Sore Loser” Mouton – Will lose again.

Christopher “Try Again” Jones – Will lose as always.

Jude “huh” Paredez – May get 2% of the vote from family and friends

And there is your lineup. Ugh right? We will be at that debate with the press club and watch our questions. We are going to rock their world. 

Ward 1

Cory “The Fixer” Crenshaw – He will win

Mark “The Ghost” Stiles – Will go back into his hole going out of politics with an L next to his name which is a damn shame. His FAMILY should never have allowed this to happen. He is a Texas legend and they do not respect that. Roy West did this – now Stiles has to take the ride. 

Ward 2

Mike “Big Balls” Getz – He will win. And it will be with over 60% of the vote. Watch and learn.

Joey “Not Your Friend” Hillard – Will lose. And all of you in the political business remember this – he is a backstabber. Never trust this man in politics. 

Ward 3

Terry “The Delivery Man” Roy – Who knows? This will play out in the next 5 weeks.

LaDonna “Running Game” Sherwood – Again, see above. Big Time Left Wing Democrat

Ward 4

Chris “I hate firemen” Duro – Get a walk.

At Large (2 Win)

AJ “Smooth” Turner – Will win one seat. Just too smooth to lose. 

Audwin “Can’t Give It Up” Samuel – Will lose. Times up.

Michael “Boozer” Williams – May get more votes than AJ

Brian “The Slicer” Nepveux – May just ease in. Will be fun to watch this.

Taher “West Butt Boy” Quraishi – Will get less than 4% of the vote. 

And so there you go. This is going to be more fun than we are allowed to have and we are not kidding. Ugly, mud, anger, wild city council meetings, signs, tearing down signs…oh God the fun of it all! 

Port Arthur now officially comes calling to Beaumont. 

Just some food for thought!


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